Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania BlueFlare Antivirus , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
środa, 27 lipca 2011
BlueFlare Antivirus
BlueFlare Antivirus to kolejny fałszywy program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon takich programów jak: Milestone Antivirus, Wireshark Antivirus, Sysinternals Antivirus, Your PC Protector, XJR Antivirus, AKM Antivirus 2010 Pro .
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania BlueFlare Antivirus , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania BlueFlare Antivirus , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
piątek, 8 lipca 2011
Windows Accurate Protector
Windows Accurate Protector to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Windows Test Master, Windows Salvor Tool, Windows Easy Supervisor, Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer, Windows Proofness Guarantor, Windows Inviolability System , Windows Microsoft Guardian , Windows Antispy Network , Windows Cleaning Tool , Windows Clear Problems, Windows Antidanger Center, Windows Stable Work, Windows Steady Work, Windows Stability Alarm, Windows Accelerating Utlity, Windows Concern System, Windows Work Checker, Windows Examination Utility, Windows Monitoring Utility, Windows Troubles Killer, Windows Protection Alarm, Windows Efficiency Analyzer, Windows Salvage System, Windows Rescue Center, Windows Crashes Deliverer, Windows Saviour Firewall, Windows Accidents Prevention, Windows Anticrashes Utility, Windows Troubles Solver, Windows Necessary Firewall, Windows Custom Settings, Windows Risks Preventions, Windows Profile System, Windows Firewall Unit, Windows Precautions Center, Windows Safeguard Utility, Windows Repairing System, Windows System Tasks, Windows Protection Servant, Windows Activity Inspector, Windows Tweaking Utility, Windows Tasks Optimizer, Windows Work Catalyst , Windows Attention Utility, Windows Inspection Utility, Windows Supervision Center, Windows Oversight Center, Windows Passport Utility, Windows Stability Center, Windows Process Regulator, Windows Expansion System, Windows Power Expansion, Windows Simple Protector, Windows Background Protector, Windows Lowlevel Solution, Windows Support System, Windows Emergency System, Windows Efficiency Magnifier, Windows Threats Removing, Windows Remedy, Windows Troubles Remover, Windows Troublesmaker Agent, Windows Servant System, Windows Defence Center, Windows Error Correction, Windows Debug System, Windows Efficiency Manager, Windows Performance Manager, Windows Troubles Analyzer, Windows Processes Organizer, Windows Privacy Agent, Windows Express Settings, Windows Optimal Tool, Windows Safety Guarantee, Windows AV Software, Windows Express Help, Windows User Satellite, Windows Problems Solution, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Optimal Solution, Windows Care Tool, Windows Wise Protection, Windows Software Guard, Windows Software Protection, Windows Safety Protection, Windows Problems Protector, Windows Problems Remover, Windows Health Center, Windows Shield Center, Windows Antispyware Solution, Windows Risks Eliminator, Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, Windows Security&Control, Windows Optimization & Security, Windows System Optimizator, Windows Optimization Center, PC Protection Center, Privacy Corrector, PCoptimizer 2010, PrivacyGuard 2010.
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Accurate Protector ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Accurate Protector ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Windows Test Master
Windows Test Master to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Windows Salvor Tool, Windows Easy Supervisor, Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer, Windows Proofness Guarantor, Windows Inviolability System , Windows Microsoft Guardian , Windows Antispy Network , Windows Cleaning Tool , Windows Clear Problems, Windows Antidanger Center, Windows Stable Work, Windows Steady Work, Windows Stability Alarm, Windows Accelerating Utlity, Windows Concern System, Windows Work Checker, Windows Examination Utility, Windows Monitoring Utility, Windows Troubles Killer, Windows Protection Alarm, Windows Efficiency Analyzer, Windows Salvage System, Windows Rescue Center, Windows Crashes Deliverer, Windows Saviour Firewall, Windows Accidents Prevention, Windows Anticrashes Utility, Windows Troubles Solver, Windows Necessary Firewall, Windows Custom Settings, Windows Risks Preventions, Windows Profile System, Windows Firewall Unit, Windows Precautions Center, Windows Safeguard Utility, Windows Repairing System, Windows System Tasks, Windows Protection Servant, Windows Activity Inspector, Windows Tweaking Utility, Windows Tasks Optimizer, Windows Work Catalyst , Windows Attention Utility, Windows Inspection Utility, Windows Supervision Center, Windows Oversight Center, Windows Passport Utility, Windows Stability Center, Windows Process Regulator, Windows Expansion System, Windows Power Expansion, Windows Simple Protector, Windows Background Protector, Windows Lowlevel Solution, Windows Support System, Windows Emergency System, Windows Efficiency Magnifier, Windows Threats Removing, Windows Remedy, Windows Troubles Remover, Windows Troublesmaker Agent, Windows Servant System, Windows Defence Center, Windows Error Correction, Windows Debug System, Windows Efficiency Manager, Windows Performance Manager, Windows Troubles Analyzer, Windows Processes Organizer, Windows Privacy Agent, Windows Express Settings, Windows Optimal Tool, Windows Safety Guarantee, Windows AV Software, Windows Express Help, Windows User Satellite, Windows Problems Solution, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Optimal Solution, Windows Care Tool, Windows Wise Protection, Windows Software Guard, Windows Software Protection, Windows Safety Protection, Windows Problems Protector, Windows Problems Remover, Windows Health Center, Windows Shield Center, Windows Antispyware Solution, Windows Risks Eliminator, Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, Windows Security&Control, Windows Optimization & Security, Windows System Optimizator, Windows Optimization Center, PC Protection Center, Privacy Corrector, PCoptimizer 2010, PrivacyGuard 2010.
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Test Master ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Test Master ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
czwartek, 7 lipca 2011
Windows Salvor Tool
Windows Salvor Tool to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Windows Easy Supervisor, Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer, Windows Proofness Guarantor, Windows Inviolability System , Windows Microsoft Guardian , Windows Antispy Network , Windows Cleaning Tool , Windows Clear Problems, Windows Antidanger Center, Windows Stable Work, Windows Steady Work, Windows Stability Alarm, Windows Accelerating Utlity, Windows Concern System, Windows Work Checker, Windows Examination Utility, Windows Monitoring Utility, Windows Troubles Killer, Windows Protection Alarm, Windows Efficiency Analyzer, Windows Salvage System, Windows Rescue Center, Windows Crashes Deliverer, Windows Saviour Firewall, Windows Accidents Prevention, Windows Anticrashes Utility, Windows Troubles Solver, Windows Necessary Firewall, Windows Custom Settings, Windows Risks Preventions, Windows Profile System, Windows Firewall Unit, Windows Precautions Center, Windows Safeguard Utility, Windows Repairing System, Windows System Tasks, Windows Protection Servant, Windows Activity Inspector, Windows Tweaking Utility, Windows Tasks Optimizer, Windows Work Catalyst , Windows Attention Utility, Windows Inspection Utility, Windows Supervision Center, Windows Oversight Center, Windows Passport Utility, Windows Stability Center, Windows Process Regulator, Windows Expansion System, Windows Power Expansion, Windows Simple Protector, Windows Background Protector, Windows Lowlevel Solution, Windows Support System, Windows Emergency System, Windows Efficiency Magnifier, Windows Threats Removing, Windows Remedy, Windows Troubles Remover, Windows Troublesmaker Agent, Windows Servant System, Windows Defence Center, Windows Error Correction, Windows Debug System, Windows Efficiency Manager, Windows Performance Manager, Windows Troubles Analyzer, Windows Processes Organizer, Windows Privacy Agent, Windows Express Settings, Windows Optimal Tool, Windows Safety Guarantee, Windows AV Software, Windows Express Help, Windows User Satellite, Windows Problems Solution, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Optimal Solution, Windows Care Tool, Windows Wise Protection, Windows Software Guard, Windows Software Protection, Windows Safety Protection, Windows Problems Protector, Windows Problems Remover, Windows Health Center, Windows Shield Center, Windows Antispyware Solution, Windows Risks Eliminator, Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, Windows Security&Control, Windows Optimization & Security, Windows System Optimizator, Windows Optimization Center, PC Protection Center, Privacy Corrector, PCoptimizer 2010, PrivacyGuard 2010.
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Salvor Tool ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Salvor Tool ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
środa, 6 lipca 2011
Windows Easy Supervisor
Windows Easy Supervisor to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer, Windows Proofness Guarantor, Windows Inviolability System , Windows Microsoft Guardian , Windows Antispy Network , Windows Cleaning Tool , Windows Clear Problems, Windows Antidanger Center, Windows Stable Work, Windows Steady Work, Windows Stability Alarm, Windows Accelerating Utlity, Windows Concern System, Windows Work Checker, Windows Examination Utility, Windows Monitoring Utility, Windows Troubles Killer, Windows Protection Alarm, Windows Efficiency Analyzer, Windows Salvage System, Windows Rescue Center, Windows Crashes Deliverer, Windows Saviour Firewall, Windows Accidents Prevention, Windows Anticrashes Utility, Windows Troubles Solver, Windows Necessary Firewall, Windows Custom Settings, Windows Risks Preventions, Windows Profile System, Windows Firewall Unit, Windows Precautions Center, Windows Safeguard Utility, Windows Repairing System, Windows System Tasks, Windows Protection Servant, Windows Activity Inspector, Windows Tweaking Utility, Windows Tasks Optimizer, Windows Work Catalyst , Windows Attention Utility, Windows Inspection Utility, Windows Supervision Center, Windows Oversight Center, Windows Passport Utility, Windows Stability Center, Windows Process Regulator, Windows Expansion System, Windows Power Expansion, Windows Simple Protector, Windows Background Protector, Windows Lowlevel Solution, Windows Support System, Windows Emergency System, Windows Efficiency Magnifier, Windows Threats Removing, Windows Remedy, Windows Troubles Remover, Windows Troublesmaker Agent, Windows Servant System, Windows Defence Center, Windows Error Correction, Windows Debug System, Windows Efficiency Manager, Windows Performance Manager, Windows Troubles Analyzer, Windows Processes Organizer, Windows Privacy Agent, Windows Express Settings, Windows Optimal Tool, Windows Safety Guarantee, Windows AV Software, Windows Express Help, Windows User Satellite, Windows Problems Solution, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Optimal Solution, Windows Care Tool, Windows Wise Protection, Windows Software Guard, Windows Software Protection, Windows Safety Protection, Windows Problems Protector, Windows Problems Remover, Windows Health Center, Windows Shield Center, Windows Antispyware Solution, Windows Risks Eliminator, Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, Windows Security&Control, Windows Optimization & Security, Windows System Optimizator, Windows Optimization Center, PC Protection Center, Privacy Corrector, PCoptimizer 2010, PrivacyGuard 2010.
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Easy Supervisor ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Easy Supervisor ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Anti-Malware Lab
Anti-Malware Lab to kolejny fałszywy program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon takich programów jak: System Smart Security, PC Security Gardian, Best Malware Protection, Internet Security Essentials, Personal Internet Security 2011, Personal Security Sentinel, Internet Antivirus 2011, Smart Engine, Smart Security, My Security Shield ,Security Master AV , My Security Engine , Security Guard ,CleanUp Antivirus , My Security Wall , Security Antivirus , Live PC Care , Additional Guard , Enterprise Suite , Windows Enterprise Suite ....
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w program Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w program Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
poniedziałek, 4 lipca 2011
Personal Shield Pro
Personal Shield Pro (był już taki, ale miał trochę inną skórkę) to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Essential Cleaner , MS Removal Tool , System Tool , Total Security .
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
sobota, 2 lipca 2011
Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer
Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer to kolejny program zaliczony do grupy "rogue", klon Windows Proofness Guarantor, Windows Inviolability System , Windows Microsoft Guardian , Windows Antispy Network , Windows Cleaning Tool , Windows Clear Problems, Windows Antidanger Center, Windows Stable Work, Windows Steady Work, Windows Stability Alarm, Windows Accelerating Utlity, Windows Concern System, Windows Work Checker, Windows Examination Utility, Windows Monitoring Utility, Windows Troubles Killer, Windows Protection Alarm, Windows Efficiency Analyzer, Windows Salvage System, Windows Rescue Center, Windows Crashes Deliverer, Windows Saviour Firewall, Windows Accidents Prevention, Windows Anticrashes Utility, Windows Troubles Solver, Windows Necessary Firewall, Windows Custom Settings, Windows Risks Preventions, Windows Profile System, Windows Firewall Unit, Windows Precautions Center, Windows Safeguard Utility, Windows Repairing System, Windows System Tasks, Windows Protection Servant, Windows Activity Inspector, Windows Tweaking Utility, Windows Tasks Optimizer, Windows Work Catalyst , Windows Attention Utility, Windows Inspection Utility, Windows Supervision Center, Windows Oversight Center, Windows Passport Utility, Windows Stability Center, Windows Process Regulator, Windows Expansion System, Windows Power Expansion, Windows Simple Protector, Windows Background Protector, Windows Lowlevel Solution, Windows Support System, Windows Emergency System, Windows Efficiency Magnifier, Windows Threats Removing, Windows Remedy, Windows Troubles Remover, Windows Troublesmaker Agent, Windows Servant System, Windows Defence Center, Windows Error Correction, Windows Debug System, Windows Efficiency Manager, Windows Performance Manager, Windows Troubles Analyzer, Windows Processes Organizer, Windows Privacy Agent, Windows Express Settings, Windows Optimal Tool, Windows Safety Guarantee, Windows AV Software, Windows Express Help, Windows User Satellite, Windows Problems Solution, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Optimal Solution, Windows Care Tool, Windows Wise Protection, Windows Software Guard, Windows Software Protection, Windows Safety Protection, Windows Problems Protector, Windows Problems Remover, Windows Health Center, Windows Shield Center, Windows Antispyware Solution, Windows Risks Eliminator, Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, Windows Security&Control, Windows Optimization & Security, Windows System Optimizator, Windows Optimization Center, PC Protection Center, Privacy Corrector, PCoptimizer 2010, PrivacyGuard 2010.
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
Usuwanie jest już ujęte w programie Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware , opis usuwania Windows Vulnerabilities Rescuer ,w razie problemów zapraszam na Forum. A tak prezentuje się ten program:
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